Maintain version control 
All files in a codebase MUST be version controlled.
Git is great.
See a list of git options under All source code for any policy and software in use (unless used for fraud detection) MUST be published and publicly accessible.
- Producing OSS: Version Control Vocabulary by Karl Fogel.
- GitHub Skills by GitHub for learning how to use GitHub or refresh your skills.
- Git Cheat Sheet by GitHub, a list with the most common used git commands.
All decisions MUST be documented in commit messages.
- gnitpick a tool that helps check the messages of every commit.
Further reading
- A note on commit messages by Bitcrowd contains a lot fo good tips for commit messages.
Every commit message MUST link to discussions and issues wherever possible.
The codebase SHOULD be maintained in a distributed version control system.
Git is great.